How to Prevent Identity Theft

Identity theft is becoming so widespread that it’s becoming increasingly important for everyone to take steps in order to prevent identity theft. Even taking the smallest steps to protect your personal information can help to prevent identity theft. While there still remains a small risk of identity theft, when you take the proper precautions the risk is greatly decreased.

Protecting your personal information is one of the easiest ways to prevent identity theft. Your social security number is the method that most identity thieves would use to steal your identity. You can prevent identity theft by keeping your social security number as secret as possible. Keep your social security card in a safe place. Since a purse or wallet can easily be lost or stolen, these are not ideal places for a social security card. A fireproof safe is a better place to store your social security card and prevent identity theft.

Never throw away documents and papers with financial information without shredding them first. It might sound preposterous, but many identity thieves look through trash for information that can be used to steal a person’s identity. Prevent identity theft by making sure that you destroy these kinds of documents to the point where account numbers and other information cannot be captured.

Consider using an Internet bill pay service to prevent identity theft. When you put the check for your utilities in the mailbox a thief can steal the check and use it to produce counterfeit checks with your name and account number. Even worse, your utilities end up not being paid. To prevent this kind of identity theft, you should consider using an Internet bill pay service. Alternatively, drop off your bills at a mail drop off point where the mail can only be retrieved by a postal worker.

It is not hard to prevent identity theft. Being careful and protecting your personal information is sure to decrease your risk of identity theft.


ways to prevent id theft

preventing identity theft

Al James has a passion for writing about issues regarding consumer protection. Preventing Identity Theft is easy when you know how. Defending the most common forms of identity theft is well worth it. For more information on how check out these 14 Steps to Prevent Identity Theft

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